When you get 1/2 way around using pressure from you needle nose pliers and your thumbnail on your right hand pop in the rest. Put the circlip in the bore with the gap at 6 or 12 oclock. The piston is locked to the pin using screws that go through the pin bosses into the pin.

Anchored or fixed pin The wrist pin pivots freely within the little end of the connecting rod, usually with the help of a bushing. Start the front open end in using your right hand thumb and hold it there workingthe clip in and around the bore using your thump to hold it in. When installing the circlips, make sure that the piston groove is clean. Shown from left to right are three popular styles of wrist-pin locks: snap ring, wire clip and Spirolocks. Repeat for the rear piston and remember have patience and make sure your towels firmly protect the bottom end from the inevitable dropping of small.
Once the wrist pin bottoms out against the front circlip install the rear circlip in the same manner. if putting the clip on the right side of the engine pick up the clip ends pointing down with the needle nose at about 9:00 with your left hand. Have the front wrist pin washer ready as you push the wrist pin through the roller bearing. that little relief notch is usually on the back of the piston. Or a small good pair of needle nose pliers. I can do this with relative ease on a 250 but I am sure a small bike like and 80 or 50 would be impossible because of its small size. work the clip into its groove using the small tool and then give it a 1/2 spin away from that little notch in the piston you use to dig them out. When you get the clip next the piston use your index finger to hold the clip into the piston pin bore gently squeeze your middle finger and thumb and use your other hand with the small tool to pop in the loose ends. Other hand is holding a small punch or non sharp tool. hold the circlip with your thumb and middle finger in between your finger nail and quick with the open ends pointed down. My way is a little uncomfortable but works great for me.